Family Visas
Partner, Spouse & Prospective Marriage Visas
23 Jun 2015 / Inna Feldmann

Partner, Spouse & Prospective Marriage Visas
Are you currently apart from your partner and want to be reunited but don’t know how to get them to join you in Australia? At Hunt Migration we understand how difficult it is to be separated from your loved ones and we can assist you in obtaining a visa to allow you to reunite with them in the fastest way available.
There are a number of Spouse Visa options available in Australia. To be eligible for a Partner Visa in Australia you must be either be married or in a de facto relationship with an Australian citizen, permanent resident or eligible New Zealander. If you are currently engaged to be married and are not in a de facto relationship you may be eligible for a Prospective Marriage Visa. The Spouse Visas in Australia are initially temporary, two years after lodgement, you can be considered for the permanent visa, if the relationship is still intact. There are other situations where you may be eligible for a permanent visa without a waiting period; if you have been in a de facto relationship for 3 or more years or there is a child of the relationship.
The Prospective Marriage visa is temporary for nine months, during this time the applicant and sponsor must get married. Once married you are then eligible to apply for a Permanent Partner visa.
Dependants may be included in any of these applications. These will include your children, step-children and dependant close relatives, in certain circumstances.
A Partner Visa can be applied for offshore or onshore. If onshore the applicant must hold a substantive visa at the time of application. Once a valid Partner Visa has been lodged and at the expiry of the substantive visa the applicant will then be granted a Bridging Visa. We will assist our clients to obtain a bridging visa which gives them the benefit of work rights whilst they await the partner visa outcome. The applicant will therefore able to settle down in Australia before and until a decision has been made on the Partner Visa. The Offshore Partner Visa and the Prospective Marriage Visa will require the applicant to be outside of Australia at the time that the application is lodged and at the time that the visa has been granted. So talk to us, so we can assist you to ensure that you are not separated from your loved ones throughout the entire processing time of the visa.
The application for a Partner Visa is a based on factual submissions. Understanding what evidence you require to ensure that you have a strong and complete application can be difficult. Hunt Migration understands what evidence is required and we will advise you on what supporting documentation you need and provide further advice on how you can strengthen your application to ensure that you are successful in obtaining a Partner Visa in Australia.
We understand the importance of keeping families together and we can offer you a range of visa options to ensure that you are reunited.
Let Us Help You Get Your Visa Today!