We hope this newsletter finds you and your family safe and well.
We are receiving considerable enquiry about who is or is not able to access Medicare. Given the current health crisis this is an extremely important question.
Reciprocal Arrangements
Firstly if you are from and of the following countries you may have reciprocal entitlements.
The Netherlands,
New Zealand,
Ireland (Republic),
Sweden or
The United Kingdom
Click Here for a link with more information.
Visa Holders and Applicants
If you hold a Permanent Residency visa then you can access Medicare. If you have applied for a permanent residency visa then you may also be able to access medicare if you:
– are currently on a visa with work rights; or
– are able to prove your parent, spouse or child is an Australian citizen or permanent resident; or
– are able to prove your parent spouse or child is a NZ citizen living in Australia.
If you have applied for a partner visa and the visa you held immediately before applying does not have work rights, then your access to medicare will be available when your bridging visa activates if you cannot meet the general requirements.
Click HERE go to Medicare site to get full details. We recommend you enquiry with Medicare if in doubt.
We otherwise hope this communication finds everyone safe and well.
Contact us today at 1300 MYVISA or admin@huntmigration.com.
Medicare Access
21 Apr 2020 / Ken Hunt